Ronit Furst...The Story
Posted by BEN HILL
Ronit Furst first started making eyewear frames in early 2001. The story that led to this is pretty amazing and like many new phenomenon that after a while seem a natural part of our lives, it all happened quite by coincidence.
As an avid eyewear collector and a prescription eyewear user since childhood, Ronit was constantly looking for her next frame, but it was the turn of a century and she felt she needed something really special. Failing to find a frame that would satisfy her mood for renewal, she decided to paint on one of her existing frames. The result was exactly what she has been looking for, a colorful, lively and super original piece of eyewear. In a way, this one self-made hand painted frame changed her life. The feedbacks from friends, relatives and more unexpectedly complete strangers were overwhelming. people were constantly stopping her in the street to compliment and to ask where she bought her glasses…they were sure the glasses were from a trendy boutique in Paris, London or NY. One should not forget that this all happened in the year 2,000… the coolest eyewear to be found was in Black, white or Brown.These feedbacks were not ignored by Ronit's husband Ehud Bibring who immediately recognized the business potential and after a thorough study on manufacturing of plastic eyewear frames, in January 2002 we established the company Art Optic Ltd – the proud manufacturer of Ronit Furst hand painted eyewear.10 years later in 2012 they were joined by their eldest son Tom, which now manages the main factory in the North of Israel.
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